Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just a nice ride...

Looking South to Monte Cavo in the Castelli Romani area

I have not been posting lately due to a huge amount of work in the office... but I have been riding - just not letting you guys know about it!

Yesterday was a horrible day here in Rome, with absolutely awful thunderstorms that wreaked havoc with traffic throughout the city. But not today. This morning I woke up to cloudy but sunny skies, with the temperature eventually reaching 26 Celsius.

A country road parallel to the beltway... this is actually formally within the City of Rome

So I went to a short circuit just outside of town (right beyond the beltway) and rode about 75km with a friend. Enjoyable day. Great riding. Happy Pete.

Clouds are getting a bit menacing, but still a great day.

Just felt the need to share...

How was your ride today?


  1. My ride today was pretty good, temps in the 70's nice long haul, nary a car to be seen. Good stuff.

  2. I'm alive 100pounds... had a rough spot which made it impossible for me to blog or ride... Back in the saddle again!
